About Us
The name Bambinesco World has been chosen as a choice that reflects the characteristics and mission of our brand.
"Bambino" means "child" in Italian. As Bambinesco World, we wanted to emphasize that we are a brand that offers clothing, accessories and toys specially designed for children. The fact that Italian is a globally accepted language and the leading position of Italian fashion in children's clothing were also influential in choosing our name. The word "Esco" means "to explore" in Italian. At Bambinesco World, we want to help children explore their imagination, unleash their creativity and explore the world. For this reason, we wanted to emphasize the features of our brand by using the meaning of "exploring" in our name.
Finally, the word "World" means that our brand has a global vision and we offer products for children around the world. With these words we brought together, we created the name Bambinesco World and emphasized that we appeal to the open world of children, that we offer products for children around the world and that we are inspired by the pioneering position of Italian fashion.